EU president warns about Brexit"s aftermath at summit for 60th anniversary

World News Iulia Postelnicu

The European Union celebrates its sixtieth anniversary, so the officials held a summit this weekend. The president of the organization, Donald Tusk, approached in his speech a issue that is now extremely important: Brexit.

The officials from the United Kingdom are going to kick off Brexit this week, on the 29th. As this event is right around the corner, Tusk took a moment to warn the other members of the union.

He declared that this could be fatal for the union and could be the start of its complete departure. Therefore, in order to save this union, he wants to raise awareness and publicly ask officials to show their interest and that they care and take measures.

They need to prove their leadership skills and show their care for the legacy that has been passed on the course of sixty years.

Tusk thinks that either this union will be united or not at all, there is no in between.

Today, more than twenty leaders met at Rome to celebrate the union. Of course, Theresa May, the Prime Minister of UK, missed this ceremony.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Pope Francis attended the special ceremony.

The decision of leaving the EU is only going to deepen the crisis, think some. Many believe that this will only set the whole union apart. Right now, the organization is dealing with terrorism, a decreasing economy among others.

Tusk thinks that the key to keeping this union up and running is looking at the principles from the beginning.

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