North Korea has a ‘secret elite’ of wealthy families

World News Nilgun Salim

Although North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world, according to New York Times, on the Asian peninsula, there is an ‘elite’ that lives the grand life and benefits from privileges that average North Koreans only could dream of.

One of their reporters, who recently returned from Pyongyang, told his superiors that he was constantly accompanied by a group of lawmen.

The American journalist was not allowed to roam the streets by himself and these lawmen only showed him a façade of North Korea.

More precisely, they only allowed him to visit certain places indicated by them and these were the luxurious spots where the wealthy families of North Korea enjoy spending their time.

On Pyongyang’s most crowded pedestrian street, also known as the Street of Future Science Men, the life is totally different in comparison to the rest of the capital.

Here, the skyscrapers are painted in vibrant colors and the street is loaded with shops, a cinema and pizza places.

In a restaurant called Pizza Italia, a pizza costs $8 and a plate of pasta is $4

During his lunch at the pizza place, a professor from the University of Pyongyang told the reporter that he wanted to taste pizza since he was a pupil and saw the dish in an American movie.

After he took a bite, he told the journalist it ‘tastes even better than I expected’.

So, this is how the spots frequented by tourists look like.

The guides are urged by the government to take people only in these specific places because Kim Jonh-Un wants to show everyone that Pyongyang is, in fact, a wealthy metropolis.

In the area, there are coffee shops, tennis courts, gyms, supermarkets and even theme parks.

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