Tensions: Israeli prime-minister cancels meeting with German vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel
World News Nilgun Salim
The Israeli prime-minister postponed his official meeting with Sigmar Gabriel after he found out about the diplomat’s plans to meet with the same non-governmental organizations which produced documentaries Breaking The Silence and B’Tselem, announced Deutsche Welle.
The Breaking The Silence documentary exposes the alleged abuses initiated by the Israeli military forces in the Palestinian territories.
Meanwhile, B’Tselem covers a series of disturbing topics and approaches a very criticizing perspective about Israel’s attempt to colonize West Bank.
The German Ministry of External Affairs reacted way before Benjamin Netanyahu went public with his decision saying that his gesture might become ‘regrettable’ and its almost ‘inconceivable’ for the German officials to postpone a hearing with the Israeli prime-minister just because he will meet with the opposition in Berlin.
This is not the first incident when it comes to foreign diplomats who plan to travel to Israel.
In February, Tel Aviv heavily criticized Belgian prime-minister Charles Michel because he attended a meeting with the same non-governmental organization.
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