The first commercial flying car could be unveiled next month in Monaco

Hi-Tech Nilgun Salimșină-zburătoare-aeromobil-2.jpg

The first flying vehicle could be launched next month by a Slovakian producer

Through the years, Slovakia failed to succeed in the automotive industry.

However, in the last decade, a local producer struggled to hit the market with a flying machine, which combines every classical element present in most luxurious models and the elements of a light plane.

AeroMobil worked on this project for years and it will be finally unveiled at the Top Marques Monaco auto show – the most exclusive auto event for exotic cars owners and enthusiasts.

‘We will hold a press conference in Monaco on 20th April’, revealed Stefan Vadocz from AeroMobil.

‘We will reveal most details there, including the price and the production volume’, added the CCO.

Unfortunately, we are not familiar with more details regarding the incredible vehicle but we found out the flying car is also the first commercial vehicle ever launched by the Slovakian company.

Furthermore, the model will come with hundreds of improvements in comparison to the prototype presented two years ago in Vienna that failed to impress.

The car is based on a hybrid propulsion system and also works perfectly on the ground.

Apparently, the company’s main purpose is to offer the best of both worlds.

However, the most remarkable aspect is that the automobile was created in order to respect the laws regarding both cars and planes and the landing should not represent a problem.


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