It’s official: Pepsi is pulling the ‘Kendall Jenner’ commercial
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Pepsi decided to pull the controversial commercial with Kendall Jenner
The American company expressed its apologies towards the model after they went public with the decision of calling back the heavily criticized ad.
The announcement was made on Wednesday after the commercial sparked a massive wave of sarcasm and criticism, especially on social media, where most users believe the commercial with Kendall Jenner is just wrong.
Despite the decision, the Pepsi spokespersons believe the vicious remarks are unfounded.
According to Pepsi, the only thing that the company would like to claim responsibility is for the message about peace, unity and tolerance they tried to transmit.
‘These remarks are clearly unfounded. Obviously, we failed to achieve this goal and we apologize.
We didn’t want to be casual about any serious matter. We eliminated the content forever’, declared the company.
Pepsi also took advantage of the occasion to sympathize with Kendall Jenner.
The commercial shows Kendall leaving from a photo shoot to join a group of protesters.
Shortly after she arrives at the scene, she stumbles upon a police officer and offers him a can of Pepsi
He ‘replies’ with a smile and the massive crowd starts to yell
Most of the criticism was drawn by the fact that Kendall apparently inspired from the Black Lives Matter campaign when it came to the scenario.
She also became the target of this massive scandal because Pepsi instead of hiring a not-so-famous model, they chose a white and privileged icon.
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