Someone popped THE QUESTION to Malia Obama!
U.S. Nilgun Salim
The older daughter of former American president Barack Obama, Malia, is certainly a beautiful young lady and guys would give almost anything just to talk to her.
After she took a one year break between high school and college, Malia is not wasting time.
Instead, she is taking part in several internships and activities in order to achieve experience in the movie industry.
The 18-year-old’s life sounds pretty boring and usual or at least it was like this until a couple of days ago.
During her working schedule at the office, Malia Obama was ‘interrupted’ by the most unexpected proposal.
According to TMZ, a stranger came in the building, sat next to her and asked the teenager to marry him.
The awkward moment was interrupted in a few minutes by Malia’s security guards who accompanied the guy outside.
TMZ wrote the guy is Jair Nilton Cardoso and he is 30-years-old.
The man was arrested on 10th April in Manhattan at the Weinstein offices, where Malia is working as an intern.
After the security guards kicked him out, he resurfaced two days later asking Malia the same question.
Apparently, the man tried to break into the White House several times and after he was taken into police custody he was submitted to a psychiatric evaluation.
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