Science Nilgun Salim

If you are obsessed with coffee but you are also very careful when it comes to your cogging, you will be happy to discover CLR CFF or the coffee that looks exactly like water.

The unique assortment was created by Slovakian brothers based in London David and Adam Nagy.

The dynamic duo decided to approach coffee from another perspective: the ‘dental’ one.

CLR CFF is made out of roasted Arabica coffee and, of course, water.


The unusual drink is preservatives and colorants free and it tastes just like regular coffee.

Despite the fact the process of making this coffee remains a secret, David Nagy revealed for The Evening Standard: ‘All I can say is the production does not include chemicals’.

Although the American magazine says CLR CFF has a strong flavor and tastes good, on social media the opinions are mixed.

The price is three sterling pounds per bottle and the product is available only in UK and US.

‘Because of the hectic lifestyle we lead we wanted to make a refreshing ready-to-drink coffee which provides the boost but is low in calories’, added Nagy.


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