The FOODPORN phenomenon and the biggest lies about healthy living
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Pictures of food became a real industry on social media
It’s almost like we cook only to post pictures of our dish.
Every single time we have dinner out or when we something special at home we must take pictures and post them on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.
Meanwhile, the experts are talking about the negative effects of this trend.
The phenomenon is known as ‘foodporn’
Until ten years, we were only concerned with the food cooked by our grandmothers or mothers.
But now, we have access to food pictures and recipes from all around the world.
And, let me tell you… taking pictures with food in a world where only the appearance matters, it’s not easy at all.
That’s why the internet is flooded with millions of tutorials that teach you how to get the perfect food shot even if your dish it’s not exactly the yummiest.
On social media, due to your photographic skills, it will like 100% foodporn.
A survey that involved 10.000 people shows that 44% users take food pictures constantly.
Moreover, this is their first concern after the waiter brings the order.
Instead of devouring that pizza, you MUST take a picture first.
The other 60% are worse
These people are not even allowing their friends to eat until they get the right shot and they are literally taking the foodporn concept to a whole another level.
Foodporn and the ugly truth
Most of you noticed that bloggers of media influencers tend to promote this healthy lifestyle by taking pictures with asparagus, avocado, and other healthy products.
The reality is these people do not even consume such foods they are only creating a façade.
In reality, they eat burgers and pizza whenever they feel the need to do it, so you don’t need to feel guilty.
So please, enjoy your sandwich and that muffin and stop listening to this ‘healthy’ mumbo jumbo.
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