Demi Lovato releases documentary about mental health
Culture&Arts Iulia Postelnicu
The young artist had a long fight with mental health. She was diagnosed at a young age and went to rehab several times. But, Demi proved she is strong and has been always outspoken about her issues.
These days, the artist launched a documentary based exactly on this theme. It is entitled “Beyond Silence”. She wanted to use her voice to help others and inspire. She is the executive producer.
The film follows the lives of three as they struggle with such problems and who got better by being open about their condition.
The 24-year-old stepped out to launch the documentary on Wednesday. The cast was also there, with the director Shaul Schwarz.
The cast suffered from various problems: depression, bipolar disease and schizophrenia.
Lovato gave a speech, saying how important it is to raise awareness about mental health.
Since she was diagnosed with bipolar disease in 2011 and checked into rehab, she has been really vocal about this. She always tried to make her story known and help others who struggle with this.
Demi also had bulimia and a drug addiction. She revealed that that was a really dark period in her life.
She is now in a much better place, she tries to live a positive life. The 24-year-old tries to eat clean and workout, as it keeps her in a good mood, and do what she likes.
The singer also revealed an organization for the ones who struggle with mental health issues and can’t afford care. ‘Bevocalspeakup’ has a hotline and gives you ways to deal with this problem.
In an interview, she revealed that she is proud to be bipolar and live with it. She is definitely a good example.
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