Barack Obama and daughter Malia attend Broadway show together
U.S. Iulia Postelnicu
Friday was a busy day for the former president. First, he was seen grabbing coffee before attending a meeting. In the evening, he was seen at an Italian restaurant and then, him and daughter Malia attended a show on Broadway.
The father-daughter duo attended “The Prince”. People were surprised to see them there. Obama looked really happy and in a good mood.
After the show, they went backstage, where they met the cast and took pictures with them. Danny DeVito is part of the cast and as well is Marvel’s Mark Ruffalo.
The theater company shared a picture of the cast with Obama and Malia on their Twitter account. They wrote that they were honored to have them there.
The picture shows them laughing and seemingly having a great time.
When they left the theater, a crowd was waiting for them outside. Paparazzi were also around.
The Obama family is a huge fan of Broadway and has attended numerous shows.
‘The Prince” is about a policeman that feels like his life has passed by while he tried to take care of his dad. Him and his brother, who lived away, have to meet so they can sell what is left from their father.
Friday was the first day Obama was seen out after returning from vacation. The crowd was incredibly happy to see him. Hundreds of people came to greet him in New York.
He looked better than ever, relaxed and happy. At the dinner with his daughter, he also took photos with the staff.
Malia is living in New York now, where she has an internship. She always enjoys the nightlife of the city.
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