Russia is focused on developing more ‘intelligence troops’ to prepare for a potential cyber war

World News Nilgun Salim

The Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Soigu admitted on Thursday that his ‘intelligence troops’ are strongly involved in the most ‘elaborate and efficient propaganda’.

The diplomat admitted for the first time the magnitude of Russia’s efforts to develop multiple specialized units in case of a potential cyber war.

However, the declaration follows the accusations launched by some Occident states that condemned the alleged cyber-attacks conducted by Russia.

Both Russia and the US invested major resources during the Cold War in managing a powerful propaganda meant to influence the public opinion and to promote distinct ideologies.

‘We have intelligence troops far more efficient and powerful than our former department of propaganda’, declared Soigu in front of some Russian MP’s.

Keir Giles, an expert in Russian military problems, warned the American government this ‘cyber war’ conducted by Russia has a more impressive magnitude than the work of those clandestine hackers that most governments are focused on.

‘The main purpose is to control the information, no matter what’, highlighted Giles.

In addition, the expert says the Russians turned this so-called ‘cyber war’ a priority after the conflict with Georgia in 2008.

These specialized teams are created ‘to protect the interests of the national defense department and to fight against the activities unfolded in the information sphere’.

According to Russian diplomat Vladimir Samanov, the informational conflict represents only a small part of the general conflict.

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