Patrick Stewart will be retiring from X-Men

Culture&Arts Iulia Postelnicu

The actor revealed that he plans on dropping out of the X-Men series. He was not the first one to do so, as his co-star, Hugh Jackman, announced that he will no longer play Wolverine.

Stewart declared that ‘Logan”, which has been released recently, is his last X-Men film.

He revealed his plans in an interview to Kernels. In seventeen years, the actor gave life to his character, Charles Xavier, seven times.

In the interview, he recalls the time he watched the latest movie. He was sitting next to Hugh Jackman in the cinema. They were currently promoting it. The audience seemed to be really caught up on the plot.

As the film came to an end, Jackman took his hand and then looked at him with tears in his eyes. The both actors started crying. Then, Stewart realized that this end is a goodbye. There is nothing that they can do to continue the plot, as this end was a great one.

The 78-year-old actor says that he is sure the franchise will do good even without him and Jackman. They both need to move on.

The movie will be released worldwide at the beginning of March. James Mangold directed it.

Jackman’s take on Wolverine has been called the best, while Stewart’s character is a beloved one.

In that evening when they watched the movie, Stewart decided that is over. He thinks that there is no better way to say goodbye to his character.

The producer of the X-Men series already plans on making another movie.

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