A former government bunker was hosting UK’s most impressive Cannabis plantation
World News Nilgun Salim
A group of British police officers made an incredible discovery
In a former nuclear bunker from Wiltshire, they found the largest cannabis plantation worth one million sterling pounds.
Five men and a teenager were arrested after the raid
The six spirited drug dealers transformed the old bunker owned once by the British government into a literal cannabis farm.
However, the most important question remains:
‘How were they able to obtain the location from the government?’
This is exactly what the police want to know as well, so they initiated an investigation.
Apparently, the security forced received a ‘tip’ about the hidden treasure, while they were performing a raid in the area.
After the officers saw the location is secured with numerous locks, they expected the men between 17 and 45 years to open the door.
As soon as they made their way in, they found thousands of cannabis plants in different evolution stages, protected with special lamps.
Indoors, they also found two more accomplices, including a 15-year-old.
The suspects were detained after the police said they were probably commercializing the herbs.
Nearly 20 different rooms situated in the bunker were specially arranged to grow and to commercialize the cannabis.
The structure was built in the 80’s with the main purpose of protecting the local officials from a nuclear attack.
British authorities confirmed this is the largest cannabis plantation ever discovered in the UK.
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