Oprah opens up about not having kids

Culture&Arts Iulia Postelnicu

Oprah Winfrey and her partner, Stedman Graham, have been together for many years, but having kids is not something they really wanted. Oprah just opened up about this controversy.

She has opened up on the subject in the past. This week, an interview she gave to Good Housekeeping UK resurfaced.

Oprah thinks that she wouldn’t have been a good mother, because she doesn’t have patience. She didn’t want to have babies. She thinks that she has more patience with dogs.

Right now, the mogul is mentoring about 170 girls, who use her house as a meeting place. She thinks that this has been rewarding to her. At first, she did everything just to help them, but they actually helped her, bringing light into her life.

Winfrey recalls the pressure she had for getting married and having children. She now knows that she will never regret this decision. Oprah feels like she is the mother of “the world’s children”.

In her past interviews, she declared that if she would have had kids, they would’ve hated her. She thinks that her show and the time she involved in it would have affected them. Her life has been very talked about.

In this interview, she also opened up about her weight. She likes it, because she used it as a shield. Oprah thinks that this was something that kept her from doing things, like not going to an event because you don’t have nothing to wear that would fit you.

She has come to terms with this, now she is comfortable with the way she looks.

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