London: the explosion from the Parsons Green subway station was a terrorist attack

World News Nilgun Salim

The explosion from the Parsons Green subway station in western London put 22 in the hospital.

The improvised explosive device was placed in a white plastic bucket and covered in a plastic bag.

So far, the police labeled the incident as a terrorist attack

US President Donald Trump stated on Friday the explosion that took place at London’s Parsons Green subway station was triggered by “a group of sick people who were in the attention of Scotland Yard,” urging people to be vigilant, writes BBC.

“Another attack in London by a loser terrorist. These are sick and insane people who were in the attention of Scotland Yard. We have to be proactive! These terrorists should be managed in a much stricter manner. The Internet is the main recruitment tool that we must cancel and use it better”, announced PLOTUS via Twitter.

22 people were transported to the hospital after the explosion destroyed the station.

Deputy commissioner Mark Rowley made the first official statements, confirming the explosion was in fact generated by an improvised device.

According to some information, in the same subway station, the same author placed a second explosive device discovered in time by the intervention teams.

Also, a man armed with a knife surfaced from nowhere minutes after the explosion, but Metropolitan Police officials say that he was no related to the bomb.

Shocked witnesses have posted messages on social media, describing the moment as this huge flame that appeared from nowhere and burned their legs.

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