The Arab state in which 41 divorces are filed per day

World News Nilgun Salim

According to a report published yesterday, Tunisia is the Arab country with the largest number of divorces with an average of 41 divorces filed per day.

Globally, the same state occupies the fourth position with 15.892 broken marriages in a country with only 11 million inhabitants, most of them due to a “unilateral” problem, which means it was, in fact, the decision of one of the spouses… or, in our case, former spouses.

The Islamic law or “sharia” is way more indulgent when it comes to men, who don’t have to hide the real reasons of why he wants to separate and he also doesn’t need the consent of his wife, with whom the law is way more restrictive.

In exchange, if the wife is the one who files for divorce, she will most likely lose her dowry rights or a potential economic compensation.

Most of the times, the compensation is being calculated by the judge who takes over the case and it’s being demanded by the partner who didn’t want to separate.

Usually, this kind of compensation doesn’t surpass the amount of $400, a sum that, over the years, has contributed to the increased number of divorces.

The statistic follows a recent study conducted by the National Family and Population Registry, who reported a total number of 16.000 abortions in Tunisia, most of them caused by sexual abuses committed by men.

According to the study, 80 percent of abortions correspond to married women. A quarter of them has resorted to illegal abortion without the intervention of a doctor.

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