The Death of Stalin or the movie that managed to infuriate the Kremlin

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

The Russian Ministry of Culture may ban the broadcasting of The Death of Stalin a comedy directed by Armando Iannucci, because Moscow officials described the movie as a “planned provocation” of the West.



Moreover, the film which has as main subject the death of Joseph Stalin could lead to violent protests in Russia, said a senior counselor from the Ministry of Culture, Pavel Pozigailo for The Guardian.

Pozigailo said that “Stalin’s death,” a French-British production, looks like a plan conducted by the most influential people from the West with the main purpose of upsetting the Communists in Russia.

President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitri Peskov said the Ministry of Culture will act as a responsible party when deciding whether or not to release a broadcasting license for Iannucci’s film.

The satirical intrigue of the film revolves around the internal struggles that were given to the Kremlin after Stalin’s death in 1953.

The dictator’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev, is played by Steve Buscemi, while Michael Palin is starring in the role of Viaceslav Molotov.

The Communist Party of Russia, the second political party in the Legislature, has labeled the movie as “revolting”.

Stalin’s population has increased in recent years in the Russian society, amid Kremlin’s military adventurism in eastern Ukraine and Syrian theaters of operations.

In June, the bloody Soviet dictator was named, in a poll conducted by Levada Center in Moscow, as “the most remarkable person” in the history of mankind.

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