Marijuana candies are “accidentally” eaten by children as young as 10 and the side effects are simply devastating

U.S. Nilgun Salim

Marijuana is now legal for those persons who are in search for relaxation methods or they just want to alleviate pain caused by other diseases.

The law has been approved in 29 US states but the not-so-pleasant part is that the product began to “accidentally” reach on the hands of children.

Only this summer, 11 teenagers were hospitalized in Indiana because they ate marijuana jelly.

In New York, a 10-year-old boy was taken to the hospital after he had eaten candy from his father’s car.

The candies contained cannabis oil, and the baby’s father was arrested.

Now, the authorities is struggling to warn all parents about the risk they are exposing their children to by treating these products so casually.

Doctor Robert Glatter of New York warns, “When these products reach to children, they can have severe reactions, including vomiting, disorientation, anxiety and even psychotic episodes”, said New York City’s Lenox Hill Hospital specialist for Today.

The team at Rossen made an experiment and bought edible marijuana that looks like candy, then askedd some parents and children to tell the difference between the marijuana infused and normal candies. Nobody could tell the difference.

“Any child can accidentally inject these substances”, said a sergeant from the Colorado Drug Investigators Association.

In Europe, cannabis is the most consumed drug.

Experts say nearly 6% of the Europe’s population has smoked marijuana at least once last year, compared to just over 4% in 2014.

Many of these children start before they reach the age of 15.

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