This woman from Italy organized a lavish wedding to marry…. herself

World News Nilgun Salim

A woman in Italy married… herself during a lavish ceremony where she wore a white dress, served her friends and family with a three-tier wedding cake, danced with her bridesmaids and her 70 guests.

“I strongly believe that we all have to love ourselves first and foremost”, stated the 40-year-old fitness trainer Laura Mesi.

“You can have a fairy tale even without a prince”, added the fitness enthusiast.

The ceremony was a symbolic one, but the Italian is part of this current that gained more and more popularity during the last two years, known as “sologamie, which also started to spread in other countries as well.

Supporters of such ceremonies say it is about self-love and acceptance in a society reserved primarily for couples.

Laura says the idea of ​​this wedding came two years ago when she was still involved in a 12-years relationship.

“I told my friends and family that if I will not find my soul mate until the age of 40, I will marry myself”, told the woman for La Repubblica.

“If one day I find a man with whom I will see myself in the future, I will be happy, but my happiness will not depend on him”, the Italian explained.

Mesi says she is the first Italian woman to organize such a ceremony after a man from the same country, Nello Ruggiero, said yes to himself in a similar ceremony organized Naples in May.

There are many people around the world who appeal to such gestures. In Japan, there is a travel agency that organizes wedding ceremonies for single women since 2014.

Also in the United States, a site called I Married Me offers kits for organizing “self-weddings,” and in Canada, an agency called Marry Yourself Vancouver , organizes ceremonies for single persons.

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