A whole series of unexplainable phenomena witnessed by the team who opened Jesus Christ’s tomb: “The tomb of Christ is a living tomb”

Science Nilgun Salim

The consolidation and restoration project of Jesus Christ’s Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which started in May 2016 and finalized early in March, were “interrupted” by various mysterious and inexplicable incidents, claims the professor who monitored and leaded the entire work, Antonia Maropoulou.

“Sometimes we would witness phenomena that we could not explain”, said Maropoulou.

An unusual mishap occurred exactly when they have decided to open the Holy Sepulchre, in October last year.

“When we tried to explore the hollow stones, our electromagnetic resonance devices shut down. The tomb of Christ is a living tomb … There are natural phenomena that can disrupt electromagnetic fields”, says the professor from the National Technical University of Athens.

According to her, there is no rational explanation for the sudden stopping of such sophisticated instruments.

The grave of Jesus, considered the “navel of the earth”

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (also known as the Church of the Holy Resurrection) is built inside the walls of the ancient city of Jerusalem, a short distance from Muristan.

It is the most important pilgrimage site of the Christian religion. The church was build during King Constantine’s command, in the year of 326.

The church was burned by Persians in 614, then rebuilt by Patriarch Modestus to be destroyed by the fanatic caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah in 1009.

After the earthquake of 1033, which struck the entire Jerusalem, the Arabic sovereignty allowed the Byzantine Emperor Constantine the Ninth to rebuild the church between 1042-1048.

The edifice underwent a general reconstruction during the Crusaders’ mission in the 12th century.

The crusaders identified three sacred places in that place – Golgotha, the Tomb and the Chapel.

They were included in a single architectural complex, under the same roof, under the command of Queen Melisanda, the wife of Foulques de Anjou, the third crucified king of Jerusalem and then repeatedly renovated until this day.

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