Google will soon have access to every transaction you make by credit card

Hi-Tech Nilgun Salimărături.jpg

Google plans to verify every single product you will buy for the rest of your life and the tech giant already sealed a partnership that most likely will spark numerous controversies.

The company has the largest online advertising network, but the biggest profit comes from the TV industry.

Apparently, Google wants to transform the market by associating online ads with the stuff you buy in real life and that’s exactly why they closed a partnership with several companies dealing with online transactions.

Through this partnership, Google gains access to nearly 70% of all baking transactions made in the United States.

At this point, online advertisers don’t have the required data to link with your transactions.

Google may know what you buy from the internet if you are logged in and choose to share your browsing data.

When it comes to the offline environment, however, the service could track your location to have an idea of ​​what you could buy, but also extract data from Android Pay, writes

Data from physical stores will help the company to serve appropriate ads.

Google claims the data used for identification is completely anonymous, neither they nor other companies are able to link these information to a particular person.

Everything an advertiser will see will be a unique ID that cannot be associated with your persona.

For some, this may be a bit too much, but there are options to limit what you want to share with your company by going to the Google Dashboard and making the right settings.

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