After conducting an investigation at Ivanka Trump’s factory, two men are missing and one ended up behind bars

U.S. Nilgun Salim

A man was arrested and two other are missing shortly after they conducted an investigation in Ivanka Trump’s shoe factory

The first suspect is currently arrested in southern China and the other two are being chased by the authorities, announced China Labor Watch – an organization based in New York who stands for employee’s labor rights.

‘We are initiating an appeal for President Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump and her company to plead and lobby for the alliance of our activists’, wrote the China Labor Watch in an email for Reuters.

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The man is currently accused of illegally using the interception equipment, according to Li Qiang, the CEO from China Labor Watch.

The three men were conducting an investigation in the factory where Ivanka’s shoes are being produced.

According to AP, between 10.000 and 20.000 designed by Ivanka and her team are produced annually, part of the 20 million pairs the company produces annually.

Until now, neither the Chinese factory nor Ivanka Trump’s representatives rushed to offer details related to the disappearance of those men.

Ivanka Trump is officially engaged in the White House, where she was designated as the president’s counselor.

However, her activity in Washington is not being financially rewarded.

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