Rihanna Gained Some Serious Weight
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
The gorgeous singer is going through a not-so-great phase in terms of taking her of her body, which in the past years represented a top priority for RiRi.
‘Not anymore!’ some of her fans would say.
The fact that she always was a curvaceous and bootylicious woman is not exactlu a secret.
Only this time, Rihanna’s curves are out of control.
According to some inside sources, the hit-maker gained no less than 11 pounds after she decided to take a break from her strict diet and fitness routine.
Apparently, Rihanna suffered a shock after her last ‘scale test’ and decided to take urgent measures.
The cause that triggered Rihanna’s shocking weight gain was late junk-food cravings and a slight depression after the breakup with Drake.
Even more, a lot of her social media followers claim that Rihanna is finally starting to meet the end of her career, as losing her sexy looks is just the first step.
“She’s stopped dieting and considers dancing for hours enough of a workout! She knows pasta and champagne are probably to blame for her fuller look these days, but that’s not stopping her. She really feels comfortable in her own skin”, revealed another insider.
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