UK: the gadget that blocks the access to your credit card when you’re drunk has been invented
Hi-Tech Nilgun Salim
The gadget that limits your spending because you had too much to drink is now a thing
The unique device looks exactly like a fitness bracelet and is based on a technology that measures the concentration of alcohol in the atmosphere.
In addition, the bracelet can be connected to a smartphone application and has direct access to your bank account.
So, when the bracelet detects that you’ve been drinking way too much, blocks the access to your bank account in order to stop you from taking the wrong decisions.
The app is known as DrnkPay and uses the device attached to your wrist to activate the self-imposed limits.
DrnkPay was created by a consulting firm from UK after they conducted a survey, which showed that most Britons make ‘consistent’ electronic payments after a couple of cocktails.
The next day, they end up regretting and in order to diminish the damage the British company came up with the innovative solution.
DrnkPay will launch the product this year and the London market is certainly the most appropriate.
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