The First Lady of the United States is set to have her own statue
U.S. Nilgun Salim
The First Lady of the United States will have a statue
The most interesting aspect is the fact the statue will not be installed in Washington DC, New York and not even in her home country, Slovenia.
According to the international press, the homage will be located in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The reason why? Melania Trump is one of the most popular and admired East European personalities in this country, especially since her husband won the US election campaign, reports The Independent.
The expenses required by Melania Trump’s statue will be financed by Bosnian MP, Marinko Umicevici, who is also the owner of a shoe company.
Umicevici is one of Melania’s biggest fans and shortly after her speech at the Republican Convention he sent the First Lady a pair of shoes created by his team.
Moreover, the lawmaker says the statue will also include those exact shoes and a purse.
He also hopes to convince Melania, who speaks Serb, to visit Bosnia.
Sculptor Stevo Selak is the one who will make the plaster statue. In the past, he also carved Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
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