The masterminds who initiated the WannaCry cyber-attack might be Chinese

World News Nilgun Salim

A new linguistic analysis conducted by an American intelligence company has revealed a shocking probability.

According to the recent data, those behind the WannaCry ransomware attack would be a group of Chinese native speakers of.

US experts examined the data redemption requests in 28 languages​ and signs they would be written by a person who knows the Chinese language very well are quite relevant.

Flashpoint has reviewed both Chinese and other redemptions, including the one written in Asian which is the most accurate and by being longer than the others.

In fact, the English-written note, even if it’s written above average, contains some grammatical mistakes that a native speaker would never do.

From this we deduce the author, although familiar with English, does not rise to a high level in terms of grammar.

As for the tickets written in the other 26 languages, besides English and Chinese, they are translated using automated services such as Google Translate. The failing mode they write is indicative of this, reports.

Until this discovery, it was thought that attackers behind WannaCry would be from North Korea, according to Google’s research.

A US company specialist has discovered some lines of code that are identical to those used by a group of hackers who are known to be affiliated with the North Korean government.

Although it is known the Lazarus group is being exploited by the Pyongyang leadership, it is likely that they will operate from China.

The WannaCry ransomware attack was the largest of its kind and affected more than 100,000 organizations in 150 countries.

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