Despite the fact they never wash, these women are considered the ‘finest’ in Africa

Science Nilgun Salim

Although their ancestors banned them from washing or cleaning themselves, they are considered the most beautiful women from Africa.

These girls invented their own secret methods for personal hygiene and amazed the entire world with their ingenuity.

The female population from the Himba tribe are living in northern Namibia in the Kunene region and has a total population of fewer than 50.000 residents.

The women of this tribe are completely forbidden to wash even their hands. In order to maintain themselves somehow clean, they use freshening herbs, which they boil in a pot and then, they smoke themselves with the steam, almost like using a fragrance.

These girls are also known for the habit of covering their body with an ointment prepared from animal fats and dust hematite, which gives them a reddish skin, protecting them from the sun’s heat, dry air, and insects.

Himba women were also labeled as the ‘finest’ in Africa and red pasty clay they use to cream their entire body brought them the nickname of “red women”.

Given all the benefits of the new civilization, Himba tribe never gave up its ancestral customs and traditions.

One of them is related to the birth of a child. Thus, they do not consider birth dates when the baby was born, nor from the moment it was conceived, but from the day the child was thought in the mind of the mother.

When a woman decides to conceive a Himba child, she goes alone in the woods, sits under a tree and listens the sound of the forest until she hears the song of the child who wants to come into the world.

After the forest offers her the song, the woman returns to the man who will father and teaches him the song.

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