How antioxidants affect your diet

Medical Celia Hoffman

Researchers have come to the conclusion that a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and alcohol consumed moderately is a healthy one.

With the holiday season coming with many unhealthy meals, most people choose to start a diet in the new year. This time can be stressful for most too, as it requires preparation of a large range of meals. Stress in the gut is present as well because it deals with digesting all these high calorie and fat foods.

According to studies, food can help reduce stress.

Antioxidants are all people talk about these days, how important they are for the body.

Mitochondria is the one responsible for all the fuels that are burned and transformed into energy into our organisms.

Many people that have heard of the advantages of antioxidants are trying to get them from pills, but the best way to make sure you have a daily intake is by eating vegetables.

It is advised to include healthy meals in your holiday menu. High glycemic foods should be avoided, as well as the ones that include sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Bacon, salami, and sausages aren’t good at all, as they include preservatives. Red meat should be consumed as little as possible.

Don’t reuse oils or fats for cooking. Alcohol intake should be in small quantities.

Antioxidants are found in cranberries and veggies like broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, Brussels sprouts, carrots, collard greens, corn, mango, and tomatoes.

Fruit is a great substitute for cakes. Nuts and sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin E.

Prunes, kale, spinach, figs, oranges, dark chocolate, raisins, plums, beets are great foods high in antioxidants that should be eaten at all cost.

Add spices to your food, because they will reduce oxidative stress (Ginger, turmeric, rosemary).

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