The most absurd inventions of 2016

Hi-Tech Adina Camarasu

2016 was certainly the year the evolution of technology has seen new heights. But not all projects have been useful, some are actually downright silly. France info made a top of the most absurd inventions launched in October 2016.

Self-tie shoelaces

After 28 years of brainstorming and 11 years of research, Nike released HyperAdapt 1.0, the shoes that tie their shoelaces themselves. Just enter your foot into the sports shoe and a sensor will trigger the engine tying shoelaces.

Nike released HyperAdapt 1.0 in the United States on December 1, at the price of $ 720, making us wonder why not picking a pair of shoes without laces or even some classics.

Ring for wireless payment

If you wear jewelry then you must already know this is a sign of wealth, but this year came up with a really strange invention: you can turn your Visa card into a ring. Visa and McLear launched in June 2016 a wireless ring to help you pay easier.

Fitness Tracker for dogs

According to the manufacturer, your dog’s leash is equipped with the fitness tracker. The invention suits those who consider dogs as their family members. The product costs $ 200 and is equipped with a lamp that lets you find your dog in the dark.

Backpacks for pigeons

Pigeons’ backpacks… it even makes you wonder: Why on earth?! Plume Labs launched this project to measure the air pollution. Ten pigeons were trained and equipped with bags and were then released to fly over London in March.

Display that mimics humans’ sweat and breath

‘This panel kills hundreds of mosquitoes carrying the virus Zika every day’, is the message written on a display in Rio. How does it work? It emits carbon dioxide and a solution of lactic acid to replicate human perspiration and breathing, so that it fools mosquitoes and traps them into the panel.

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