Signs you suffer from insomnia

Medical Adina Camarasu

Insomnia can occur because dozens of things and 50% of the population is affected by it. Here are five warning signs that you suffer from insomnia.

You struggle to sleep, although you’re tired

Almost everyone has nights when he can’t sleep, but those who suffer from insomnia cannot fall asleep no matter how exhausted they feel. If you happen to sit for hours lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, you should visit a doctor.

You wake up at night

The problem is not just falling asleep, but also sleeping until morning. Do you happen to get up often during the night and have difficulties when trying to go back to sleep? Or do you wake up too early and are unable to fall asleep again until the alarm goes off? When you wake up for no reason, you may have a problem.

You never feel rested

After a restful sleep, you should wake up full of energy, with a good feeling. The quality of your sleep is as important as the quantity!

You have a bad mood all the time

Insomnia can lead to depression, anxiety or can be caused by stressful events, such as a difficult period at work or arguments with your loved ones. Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety and you may feel mentally exhausted.

Lack of sleep affects your everyday life

Insomnia can affect your career, relationships with others, health. You can not enjoy going out for romantic evenings with your partner.

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