Japanese ice skating park on dead fish

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

Japanese attraction theme park that proposed visitors should ice skate over the silhouettes of over 5,000 frozen fish, faced a rapid closure because of the widespread criticism, AFP declared.

The company that manages the Space World park, located in Kitakyushu (southwest) inaugurated this unusual rink on November 12, but this concept was immediately considered gruesome and immoral.

‘Several voices raised to denounce the mockery of these poor creatures, using them for this macabre game. Others said it was a waste of food’, Koji Shibata, the company’s spokesman, declared on Monday for AFP.

‘I wanted those who come here to skate to experience the sensation of sliding on a frozen sea, but after I received so many critics, so I decided to put it to an end’, said an official of the theme park, Toshimi Takeda.

Previously, he had expressed on television his deep regret concerning this matter, when he first noticed the gravity of the situation, AFP transmitted.

The ice will be melted, and this operation could take a whole week or more. A Shinto priest will host a ceremony of homage brought to the frozen fish that were killed for fun.

‘We planned this even before the scandal took place’, assured an official of the ice skating park.

According to the local media, the fish were bought from a store nearby and were frozen, some of them with their mouths open, in order to suggest ‘a state of dynamism’.

The Japanese protested aggressively on social media networks saying it is an act of cruelty to leave alive fish freeze to death.

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