Kim and Kanye hired a surrogate to carry their third child
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West desperately want a sibling for North and Saint
The brunette believes the best support system you could ever offer to your child is a numerous family.
Considering the doctor’s told her that a third pregnancy could seriously put her life to great dancer, the brunette wants with all costs to have another baby.
In order to not put her life at risk, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West decided to go forward with a surrogate.
The rumors were spread by American tabloid TMZ, whose reporters claim Kim and Kanye already took care of the legal measures and they agreed to pay up no less than $114,850 to an agency specializing in such cases.
In fact, the woman who will carry the fifth West family member will cash $4.500 per month and after the birth, she will receive $45.000 more.
According to other quoted sources, the Wests are also forced to pay an extra commission to the surrogate agency.
According to the documents, Kim and Kanye ‘assume legal and parental responsibilities for the child, whether she or he will come to this world with birth defects or other malformations’.
Kim Kardashian had previously spoken of the possibility of hiring a surrogate mother after the reality queen had several health problems during both pregnancies.
Currently, their first born North is four-year-old and son Saint will turn one in December.
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