The former NBA player arrived in North Korea with a ‘message’ from Donald Trump for Kim Jong-Un
U.S. Nilgun Salim
During his fifth visit on the peninsula and against the backdrop of tension between Washington and Pyongyang, Dennis Rodman gave Donald Trump’s book ‘The Art of the Deal’ to a North Korean official – a gift, somehow, intended to his friend Kim Jong-Un.
Dennis Rodman said his visit to North Korea has nothing to do with the White House.
However, shortly after arriving in North Korea a state press announced that American student Otto Warmbier will be released for ‘humanitarian’ reasons.
He arrived in the US on Wednesday, in a coma, after almost two years of detention in Kim Jong Un’s country.
Any visit to North Korea involving a famous American is a real political mining ground and Rodman was criticized for failing to make use of his influence on the diplomatically isolated leader.
Americans are considered enemies in North Korea, as the two countries did not sign a peace treaty to end the Korean War (1950-1953).
Thousands of US soldiers are stationed in South Korea and the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates the two Koreas is, despite its name, one of the most strongly fortified borders in the world.
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