Donald Trump’s spokesman, Sean Spicer, refuses to speak in televised conferences because he… gained weight?
U.S. Nilgun Salim
One of the president’s spokespersons, Sean Spicer avoided appearing in televised conferences in the last months because he gained weight, reported White House counselor Steve Bannon for BBC News.
Bannon told The Atlantic that the last press conferences were not televised because ‘Sean Spicer got fat’.
The press became suspicious after the White House hosted numerous press conferences, where they were not allowed to record anything.
However, Bannon’s affirmations were not very well seen by the US press and American journalist Chelsea Clinton highlighted the fact that the presidential administration ‘is using weight to justify the increasing opacity’.
Meanwhile, editor Brian Klaas described the situation as ‘pathetic and undemocratic’.
The controversy follows the last decision adopted by the presidential administration, who is considering Spicer’s transfer to the Communications Department.
In fact, in May, the US press wrote that Donald Trump would fire more employees from his administration, including Steven Bannon, chief strategist, and spokesperson.
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