Twitter sensation, eight-year-old Bana Alabed named among Time"s most influential people on internet

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

The eight-year-old Syrian girl, Bana Alabed, was named by Time Magazine one of the most influential people on the internet.

Bana became known on social media after she started posting Tweets during the Aleppo siege.

The toddler was ranked by the American publication one of the most popular people on social media, among personalities such as US president Donald Trump, British author J.K. Rowling, Kim Kardashian and Rihanna.

The ranking is published annually and includes 25 persons

This year’s top listed only members who possess a major global influence on social media and the ability to influence the human perception when it comes to certain news.

Bana fits perfectly after her Tweets reverberated around the world

Bana was helped by her mother, Fatemah, who is also the admin of Bana’s Twitter account.

While her mother was doing the writing, Bana was in-charge with posting photos and videos meant to capture their living situation in the middle of the civil war.

Her account was launched on Twitter in September 2016 and she currently has 365.000 followers.

“I cannot get out of the house because of the bombings. Please do not blast us”, was Bana’s first Tweet.

In December, the girl and her family were successfully evacuated from the eastern area of Aleppo, and transported in Turkey where they were greeted by Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan into his palace.

President Donald Trump, Aleksei Navalnii, J.K. Rowling, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Kim Kardashian were also included in the top.



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