Philippine: a new draft law states the citizens who refuse to sing the national anthem without “spite” and “enthusiasm” will end up behind bars

World News Nilgun Salim

The citizens who don’t sing the national anthem with “spite” might get a fine or worse, they could end up behind bars, according to a new draft law In Philippine, write The Telegraph.

The new law, already approved by the House of Representatives, forces all Filipinos to perform their national anthem during national holidays or manifestations broadcasted live.

However, for the ones who don’t sing the hymn with “spite” and “enthusiasm” things are not looking good.

In order to go into force, the draft law must also be approved by the Senate

Those who dare to violate Rodrigo Duterte’s claim might receive a 1.560 pounds fine or a one-year sentence.

The reckless who dare to violate the rule for the second time, will end up with behind bars but also with the eye-popping fine.

“Any action that shows contempt, dishonor or ridicule the national anthem will be punished”, suggests the controversial bill.

When the country’s anthem is being broadcasted, all citizens must redirect their faces in front of their national flag or at the orchestra.

In India, cinemas are forced to broadcast the country’s hymn before screening a movie.

In December, 19 people would have been arrested because they did not stand up when the anthem was broadcasted.

Subsequently, a court had to clarify that it is not mandatory for people to stand up.

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