The US Army just wasted $28 Million On Afghan Uniforms With The Wrong Camo

U.S. Nilgun Salim

US taxpayers have spent $28 million for some uniforms which should have been worn by the National Afghan Army, revealed wartime inspector John Sopko.

According to the official, the US has bought the forest camouflage uniforms although Afghanistan’s green surface covers only 2.1% of the country’s territory.

The inspector revealed the decision “was not based on an assessment of how appropriate the uniforms are when it comes to the Afghan environment”.

However, former Afghan Defense Minister, Abdul Rahim Wardak, discovered the print in 2007 on a website and ordered the uniforms because he ‘just liked what he saw’.

Besides the fact the model chosen by Wardak was way more expensive than the uniforms worn by the US Army, they decided to order 1.364.602 uniforms and 88.100 extra pairs of pants, worth a total of $28 million.

“My question is whether the Minister of Defense loved purple or loved pink”, added Sopko.

“We just buy pink uniforms for the soldiers and we will not ask any question? It’s crazy. It’s simply stupid”, revealed the official.

“I wasted $28 million taxpayers’ money for fashion because the defense minister said they were nice”, stated John Sopko.

For years, Sopko’s administration has criticized the Pentagon for wasting resources in the longest war involving the United States.

In January, he told a Washington think tank that there is evidence the Taliban leaders have instructed commanders to buy fuel, ammunition and American weapons from Afghan soldiers because they are cheaper.

The Pentagon plans to increase the number of soldiers in Afghanistan’s troops.

An official announcement is expected during the week.

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