Made by Dracula! The ‘Made in Italy’ shoes from Louis Vuitton are, in fact, manufactured in a ‘secret’ factory from Transylvania, Romania
Economy Nilgun Salim
The British newspaper The Guardian has published an article about a Romanian factory from Cisnadie, where the French group Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) would manufacture luxury footwear, sold afterward with the “Made in Italy” inscription.
The British journalists reached the conclusion that “all the components except the shoe soles of the luxury brand are made in Transylvania before being <<finished>> in Italy and France.”
“Revelation: The Place in Romania where Louis Vuitton produces its Italian shoes” is the title of the article published by The Guardian.
According to the British newspaper, LVMH started the collaboration with the Cisnadie factory in 2002, for financial reasons, because the labor force in the East European country is, of course, cheaper.
According to The Guardian, LVMH sells shoes and boots on the global market made at the Cisnadie factory at prices ranging from €570 to €2.060 by claiming they are ‘Made in Italy, which is a complete lie.
These products are, in fact, manufactured in Transylvania, a beautiful region known for the production of luxury goods and not only for vampires.
The publication admits, however, that LVMH grants Romanian workers free weekends, pays overtime and does not use toxic chemicals for employees.
However, these conditions are mandatory for any company in Romania and they provided by every single employer from the country.
The factory from the Sibiu County has 734 employees, each one paid 133 euros per month.
“With this salary, an employee would raise enough money in six months to buy a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes”, The Guardian notes.
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