Renault is being accused of sexual discrimination after launching a nail polish collection meant to correct car scratches
World News Nilgun Salim
Renault is being accused of sexual discrimination after launching nail polish that can correct car scratches
Renault has launched a nail polish which can also be used to correct the scratches on your car, as an attempt to promote Twingo.
However, instead of becoming this revolutionary product, the nail polish has attracted sexual discrimination accusations from the female community.
Twingo is for “active female drivers who drive a lot through the city but who are also very careful when it comes to their appearance”, says the French car maker.
For women’s rights advocates, Renault’s marketing strategy is sexist, and the way it was promoted managed to make it worse.
In the advertisement, a woman shouts “Auch” when she notices a scratch on her Twingo car parked between two vehicles.
While she is painting her nails in blue, she masks the scratch with the same brush.
“This reduces women’s preoccupation with beauty and their inability to drive. This insinuating, ordinary, daily sexism is the basis for the worst, because advertisements limit women to a preconceived role, “said Chiennes de Garde, head of the Marie-Noelle Bas feminist association.
The Twingo nail collection is produced by the Ink and Out company in Paris, a branch of the De Blangy brand.
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