The White House believes Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is planning a new chemical attack
World News Nilgun Salim
The White House is 100% convinced that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad wants to expand to spread his influence in Syria even more by launching a new chemical weapon attack.
White House spokesman Sean Spice claims that the US ‘has identified the plans for another chemical attack that will turn into a genocide with civilians and innocent children’, writes Metro.
However, Spice warned that if Assad ‘commits another mass murder, the dictator and his army will pay a harsh price.’
Although these statements generated a massive controversy, the White House refused to reveal further details about Syria’s alleged plans.
Meanwhile, another US official said the US had received information regarding al-Assad’s plans to launch a new chemical attack also with sarin gas in the eastern or southern part of the country, where the Syrian army is still struggling to reclaim certain territories.
Bashar al-Assad has vehemently denied that he would be the responsible for the sarin gas attack from Khan Sheikhoun.
On 4th April, the Syrian province of Idlib became the target of an offensive operation conducted by Bashar al-Assad’s forces.
100 civilians established in the rebel-held area and 11 innocent children were killed and other 400 are severely injured.
The air strike consisted in launching a chemical weapon with sarin gas.
Seconds after they launched the projectile, the chaos was installed.
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