The incredible lifespan of bacteria transmitted through sneezing or coughing

Medical Nilgun Salim

Researchers show us, based on a new study, how bacteria caused by the most common colds are resistant and dangerous enough to persist in the air for a long time after sneezing or coughing.

Following an intricate research, scientists have concluded that a bacterial infection associated with hospital infections, has a lifespan of 10 to 45 minutes in the air after being cured by a cough or sneeze.

Previous studies come to support this claim and show that these pathogens travel about four meters and remain 45 minutes in the air, making it easy to transfer from one person to another over a long period of time.

Despite the fact, these bacteria have been studied for so long and researchers are analyzing how they are transmitted through sneezing or coughing what they have discovered is that once the droplets removed through the coughs get into the air they dry instantly, cool and become light enough to persist in the air.

Although much of the bacteria found in droplets removed from sneezing or coughing have a life span of up to 10 seconds, the rest can last from 10 to 45 minutes, according to Science Alert.

Most scientists do not fully understand the processes that lead to this situation and their hypothesis is that this resistance has to do with the place where they were produced in the respiratory tract, but equally important is the size of the droplets expelled to the air.

Finally, this research has important implications for how we understand the spread of an infection or disease, but also how we can control their spread in hospitals.

The study also only emphasizes the eternal warning: it must cover your mouth and the airways when you sneeze or a cough.

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