Russian vessel, captured by a North Korea ship into the Sea of Japan

World News Nilgun Salim

The Russian Foreign Ministry is investigating the information related to a Russian yacht that would have been captured by a North Korean ship into the Sea of Japan on Wednesday.

“We have checked this information and asked questions to the Russian consulate in North Korea”, said Vladivostok, the spokesman for the Russian diplomacy.

According to information released on Friday in the local press, the Russian yacht “Katalexa” would send on June 14 a sign of aid from the Northwest Region of the Sea of Japan.

Marine Salvation Center in Primorye told journalists at Interfax the yacht might be in the captivity of a North Korean ship.

Representatives of a yachting club confirmed that there were three Russian citizens traveling from Taiwan to Vladivostok on the board of “Katalexa”.

Last year, the crew of another Russian yacht, “Elfin” was captured on the North Korean coast, the crew members being released following diplomatic pressure.

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