Kim Kardashian, 100% convinced the pictures taken in Mexico were ‘Photoshopped’

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

Kim Kardashian is 100% convinced that the paparazzi who took those unflattering pictures from Kourtney’s birthday in Mexico, ‘photoshopped’ every single one of them.

Despite the fact, Kim admitted herself that she wasn’t in her best shape and she took a 12-weeks-break from her gym routine, Mrs. West is convinced those images were digitally altered.

‘I saw these awful photos of myself when I was on a trip in Mexico and people were Photoshopping them and sharpening them,’ Kardashian said on The View on Tuesday.

‘I definitely was not in my best shape. I hadn’t worked out in about 12 weeks. I’d had two surgeries on my uterus. We documented that on the show’, added the reality star.

The ‘cellulite’ episode was a front page topic for all major tabloids in that period and the pictures with Kim’s not-so-appealing bottom surrounded the internet.

Obviously, the 36-year-old was not very happy when she saw the headlines and shortly after arriving home she hired a new fitness trainer and she is currently pursuing a new workout routine and the most efficient diet.

‘I see already, in just a few weeks, my body tightening up. I’ve literally just shrunk and come into place and I’m excited. We’re doing these intense workouts and I love working out. That’s a big stress reliever.’

‘I have thick skin and this isn’t for everyone. I can see why people get hurt and are bothered by it. I do break down at times,’ she confessed.


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