The official Brexit negotiations have begun

Economy Nilgun Salim

The official negotiations for Brexit have begun

The two chief negotiators met in Brussels and, after an intricate discussion, they both expressed their confidence regarding the separation of Britain from the European Union.

However, the British press doesn’t share the same opinion and rushed to accuse the Brexit team of surrendering to Brussel’s demands from the first day.

The discussions set to take place this month will mostly focus on three major aspects – citizens’ rights, financials and other issues related to the separation process.

“We are citizens first. We want to find the best solution for them and their families, “said Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator for Brexit.

The UK, however, seems unwavering regarding the already announced plans to end the current agreements with the Union and to establish new ones meant to allow a more open relationship with other countries of the world.

“Because the four fundamental freedoms must be respected in order to remain in the single market, we need to give Britain the control over its own laws and own borders. We will leave the single market, the free trade area and the Customs Union”, said David Davis, Britain’s negotiator for Brexit.

Most of the attention will be paid to the negotiations on the future relationship with Ireland.

The border between the Northern Ireland, part of Great Britain, and the Republic of Ireland, an EU Member State, will become the only land border of the United Kingdom with the European Union after leaving the bloc.

The conclusions of the first day of negotiations for Brexit have not been well received by British journalists, who accuse their politicians of capitulating before Brussels from the first day.

According to the UK press, London has accepted without raising any objection to the EU timetable.


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