At the EU summit, Viktor Orban will torpedo the plan concerning the mandatory quotas of migrants

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, will have at the European Council which starts Thursday in Brussels, the mission at easy to torpedo the system of compulsory migrant proposed by the European Commission, said spokesman executive in Budapest, Zoltan Kovacs, quoted on Wednesday by MTI .

Orban will send his counterparts from the European Union that each Member State must respect their obligations under the Schengen border regime and Dublin regulations, Kovacs said in an interview with the TV channel M1.

Ten days ago, the Budapest Chief Executive has submitted to parliament a constitutional draft amendment that prohibits the collective relocation of migrants in Hungary and provides that any installation will be done only on an individual basis and in compliance with the Hungarian law.

The intention to amend the Constitution occurred after the October 2 referendum, called by the government against migrant quotas set by the European Union which had insufficient invalidation votes.

According to the website of the Budapest parliament, the project installation conditions of foreigners in Hungary applicable laws on obtaining the right of residence. However, the constitution will be included installing a ban on foreign populations in Hungary.

The mandatory quota about refugees was settled in September last year by the Council of EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) following a vote by the qualified majority. In the absence of a consensus, it has resorted to this type of vote to be overcome the opposition member who did not accept this initiative, which provides for redistribution between NonEU members of the 160,000 migrant camps in Greece and Italy.

So far there have been redeployed only about 5,000 migrants, because of the conditions put by some countries, such as asylum seekers to families with children which have professional experience and preference of migrants for some countries, particularly Germany or the Nordic countries.

In addition to this system of resettlement, the European Commission called on May 4 to establish a mechanism automatically and permanently sharing through mandatory quotas between EU states of all migrants who arrive in the bloc and the obliging Member States that do not support this mechanism to pay fines of 250,000 euros for each migrant refused. This quota system is currently standing in the proposal stage.

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