Morgan Freeman, narrator in Hillary Clinton’s last campaign ad

U.S. Nilgun Salim

Hillary Clinton’s team presented her final arguments in the U.S. presidential race, including an electoral ad narrated by actor Morgan Freeman, writes

Entitled ‘Example’, the spot is making a comparison between the career and the achievements of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

‘Example’ presents the two politicians as two very different options, accompanied by the most relaxing voice that says: ‘In whose hands we entrust the future of our country?’.

While the former secretary of state is presented as an informed and steady person, her rival is presented as an unprepared and foolish character.

During her presidential campaign, a series of movie producers offered to create Clinton campaign spots and this is not the first time actor Morgan Freeman borrowed his voice to help Hillary Clinton in her campaign. He also narrated an electoral ad released during the Democratic National Campaign. In 2012, Freeman also narrated an electoral spot for Barrack Obama.

In February, the American actor Morgan said during an interview with CNN that he publicly supports Hillary Clinton in the presidential race.

‘She understands that our country will not reach its real potential unless we all contribute’, said Freeman.

‘Our children, they look up to us, what we value, how we treat others and now they’re looking to see what kind of leaders we choose’ Freeman says, reminding the Clinton has a history of ‘helping women and families’ while Trump is a ‘loose cannon’, who looks after his own interests.

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