Why you should stop eating frozen pizza
Medical Nilgun Salim
You finally arrive home after 12 hours of work. Starving and eager to lay on the couch while you grab something to eat, you open the refrigerator and realize that you only have two options: 1. Order a pizza and wait for the delivery guy 2. You run at the supermarket around the corner and you grab the biggest two boxes of frozen pizza, run back home and place the frozen dish into the microwave for 5 minutes.
Maybe this scenario does not repeat every single day, but it certainly happens one or two times per week.
Pizza is the most popular and common fast-food dish in the world.
That’s why, throughout the years, the shape and the ingredients used to cook one changed significantly. In order to produce a pizza as quick as possible, the food companies from the food industry are opting for a series of ingredients that are not so good for our health.
The Pro Consumers Association (PCA) bought 16 different frozen pizzas for a quality study. The group of researchers was in shock to find out that these products contain: lard, caramel, monosodium glutamate and impressive amounts of salt.
In addition, all 16 pizzas contain the next chemicals and food additives: smoke flavor, monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrate, potassium sorbate, citric acid, polyphosphates, diphosphates, sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, sodium erythorbate, gluconic-delta-lactone, carmine, stearoyl-2-lactylate, sodium is ascorbate and sodium acetate.
Also, 81% of these pizza varieties contain food additives.
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