Mohammad Javad Zarif and John Kerry rewarded for the nuclear program agreement

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

The US diplomat John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Zarif Zavada have won an international diplomatic historic agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, the institute Chatham House in London and the US Department of State announced on Monday.

The two ministers, who negotiated between 2013 and 2015 both in bilateral discussions and the ‘5 + 1’ (the US, China, Russia, France, UK, Germany) received this award as a ‘recognition for their crucial role in 2015’ in unlocking one of the most difficult impasses of international relations in the twenty-first century, welcomed the Chatham House event in a statement.

The agreement, designed to guarantee the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions, was sealed on 14 July 2015 and implemented on January 16 the next year. He was considered by many as ‘impossible’, but proved to be ‘a victory for diplomacy against nuclear proliferation’, estimated the famous London-based think tank.

In Washington, the State Department, which maintains diplomatic relations with Tehran, has indicated that John Kerry is ‘grateful to have been selected for this award’ while stressing that it was an ‘international effort with the other members of the ‘5 + 1 ‘and the EU’.

During the agreement, rumors circulated about a possible Nobel Peace Prize that was supposed to be awarded in the fall of 2015 to the group ‘5 + 1’ or to Kerry and Zarif.

This success has enabled the start of a major diplomatic thaw shy relations between the US and Iran, but the climate was tense again after considered bellicose policy of Shiite power in the Middle East and the reluctance of the international banks to invest in the Islamic Republic.

The Chatham House Prize was rewarded in the  recent years by former Secretary of State and current US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, on the opposable Burmese Aung San Suu Kyi and Doctors without Borders.

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