Dolly Kyle: ‘Bill Clinton is a monster obsessed with sex, who believes that Hillary is a lesbian’

U.S. Nilgun Salim

‘Bill Clinton is a monster obsessed with sex’, claims one of the alleged mistresses of the former US president Dolly Kyle.

Apparently, the 68-year-old was Bill Clinton’s mistress for decades and during their affair, the politician had a double life. But the most outraging part of Dolly Kyle’s declarations was that Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton is a lesbian.

Their relationship ended in 1990 after Bill Clinton threatened the woman. Kyle revealed that Bill warned her to not disclose anything to anyone regarding their relationship, otherwise he will destroy her career. The woman wrote a book entitled ‘The Other Woman’, in which she published every single detail regarding Bill and Hillary Clinton’s marriage.

‘After Hillary Clinton declared during her campaign that the sexually abused women should come clean and talk about their experiences I thought what a hypocrite’, told Kyle.

The affair with the former U.S. president begun in 1974, after Dolly, divorced from her first husband. According to the woman, their relationship continued even after Kyle remarried.

During their romance, Kyle said that Bill used to claim that he is unhappy in his marriage, calling Hillary a ‘guardian’. Bill told Kyle that he is addicted to sex and complained that his sex life died after he moved in with Hillary in 1972.

Also, Dolly Kyle claims that Bill Clinton said that Hillary is a lesbian and that they conceived a child to shut down these rumors.

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