Middle East, the region with the highest growth in migration in the last decade

World News Rudolph Rodriquez

Between 2005 and 2015, the Middle East has gone from a total of 25 million immigrants to 54 million, an increase of 116%, which turned into the region with the greatest increase in migration in the world, according to the research institute American Pew Research Center, transmitted EFE on Wednesday.

Middle East followed by Africa (91%), Latin America and the Caribbean (77%), Asia-Pacific (26%) and Europe and the US, with nearly 20%.

This growth in the Middle East has caused migrants to move from a share of 7% of the population in 2005 to 13% in 2015, according to data compiled by Pew United Nations institute in Washington.

By migrant, Pew Research Center refers to people displaced because of armed conflict inside their own borders or in other countries in the region, but also economic migrants in other countries.

According to Pew, 60% of the 29 million new migrants documented in the period in question (2005-2015) were a consequence of armed conflict.

Syria is the country with the most internally displaced in the region – 7.1 million. It is followed by Iraq with 4.7 million, Jordan – 2.9 million and Yemen and Turkey with 2.8 million.

The remaining 40% over the period 2005-2015 were economically motivated migrants and their destination was represented primarily by oil-producing nations in the Persian Gulf.

The countries with the highest number of economic immigrants are Saudi Arabia, with 10.2 million, the UAE with 8 million and Kuwait with 2.9 million people.

This report, 60% -40% in the last decade, says more than that registered prior to 2005, when economic migrants represented 78% in the region and refugees only 22%, according to Pew Institute, quoted by EFE.

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